• 1. Order

    The desired meal can be added to the cart and checkout completed. The food will be prepared "the day before delivery." Additionally, to ensure maximum freshness, it will be stored in a temperature-controlled environment.

    View All Menus 
  • 2. Delivery / Pick Up

    We deliver your order right to your door. We deliver on a weekly cycle to cities across southern Ontario, so sit tight - it's on the way!

    Pick-Up is also available from Thursday to Saturday between 12pm and 5pm.

    Check Your Delivery Day 
  • 3. Enjoy!

    Indulge in an authentic yet convenient Korean cuisine experience in the comfort of your home

    View Recipes 

이번주 밀키트 세트 This Week's Meal Kit Sets

매주 변경되는 밀키트 세트 메뉴로 2인분 기준이며 반조리와 완조리 밀키트로 구성되어 있습니다.

The weekly changing meal kit set menu is designed for two servings and includes both semi-prepared and fully-prepared meal kits.

토마토노 밀키트 세트 TOMATONO MEAL KIT SET: 4 main dishes & 3 side dishes and snacks.

프리미엄 밀키트 세트 PREMIUM MEAL KIT SET: 7 main dishes to satisfy the taste buds of the whole family.

이번주 밀키트 세트 단품 메뉴 This Week's Meal Kit Sets Single Menus

밀키트 세트 단품 메뉴는 2인분 기준이며 밀키트 세트 메뉴와 같은 양으로 제공됩니다.

The single meal kit is designed for two servings and is provided in the same quantity as the meal kit set

베스트 셀러 Best Selling Menus

토마토노 누적 판매율 1위 부터 12위 까지의 고정 메뉴입니다.

Here are Tomatono's top 12 best-selling fixed menu items, ranked from 1st to 12th in cumulative sales.

First Time with Toma Tono?

Find out how we serve our food to your door step!