• 1. 订单


  • 2. 配送

    我们将您的订单直接送到您家门口。我们每周定期配送到整个安大略省南部的城市,所以请放心 - 您的订单正在路上!

  • 3. 请慢用!


새해맞이 특선 메뉴 New Year's Special Menus

새해맞이 특선 메뉴는 2주간 판매합니다. (배송기간: 12.25~29 & 1.1~1.5)

New Year's Day specials will be available for two weeks. (Delivery time: 12.25~29 & 1.1~1.5)

토마토노 밀키트로 요리는 간편하게 메뉴는 풍성하게! 새해 복 많이 받으세요!

本周料理包套餐 This Week's Meal Kit Sets


The weekly changing meal kit set menu is designed for two servings and includes both semi-prepared and fully-prepared meal kits.

本周单品料理套件菜单 This Week's Meal Kit Sets Single Menus


The single meal kit is designed for two servings and is provided in the same quantity as the meal kit set

畅销产品 Best Selling Menus


Here are Tomatono's top 12 best-selling fixed menu items, ranked from 1st to 12th in cumulative sales.

第一次使用Toma Tono吗?
